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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Octavius Winslow - The Man of God

Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) was an evangelical preacher of the 19th century, and a contemporary of Charles Spurgeon and J.C. Ryle.  He held pastorates in both New York and in England.  His written works are known for their Christ-centeredness, their immense practicality, and their display of experimental Calvinism.  The description and aim of this book is best given by Winslow, in his original preface...

"A false profession of religion, a spurious conversion, an invalid title to heaven, is of all fallacies and delusions the most momentous and fatal!  The following pages are an attempt to supply a corrective to this evil. They by no means propose to cover the entire ground. They rather seek to portray the man of God in some of the essential and prominent features of his holy character, and to trace a few of the stages of his Christian experience; making the Lord Jesus Christ—the Divine Man—the central object of the picture. Brevity in the unfolding of each subject has been studied, with the view of introducing, into so limited a work, as great and rich a variety of topic as possible. To the blessing of the Triune God, and to the prayers of the man of God, this small volume is devoutly commended (April 1863)."

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